Teaching objectives

The student will become familiar with the management and marketing concepts and the economic organization of corporations and startups, the corporate communication techniques as well as with various English language components, including grammar, syntax, semantics, vocabulary and comprehension using articles, audio and video resources.


Suggested Prerequisite

·         Introduction to basic English language as well as economic vocabulary.

·         Mastery of  the basic terminology as acquired from the LMD first and second years    
Economics program, including notions of management.


Content of the material
The course will alternate between delving into topics about Management, Entrepreneurrship and the practical study and use of English.

·         Management, Entrepreneurrship terminology and definitions

·         Listening, writing, and comprehension

·         Organization and functions of a corporation and a startup

·        English grammar (relative pronouns, possessive pronouns, prepositions, etc.)


Method of evaluation

Quizzes and homework, presentations and final in-class test (60%, 20%, 20%).