House of entrepreneurship
No one has failed to notice that entrepreneurship is a special field that is incomparable with traditional academic education. The promotion of entrepreneurship appears to be a necessity in order to raise students’ interest in entrepreneurship. With this in mind, the school of higher commercial studies, in partnership with the national agency for the support of youth employment (ANSEJ), has set up the House of entrepreneurship (already in existence for more than 3 years).
The creation of this structure takes on noble missions, among other things it instils intrinsic values in the future entrepreneur and ensures through its activities the articulation between the world of knowledge and the world of economy and wealth creation.
The word “house” evokes a friendly structure, where the atmosphere is pleasant and conductive to the exchange of ideas and the development of a spirit of initiative. On the one hand, it will prepare our young graduates to take the step towards the creation of their own micro-enterprise. On the other hand, facilitate their integration into the economic fabric and thus contribute to their development.
Its main mission is to develop the entrepreneurial capacities of students wishing to become entrepreneurs through intense work on their intrinsic characteristics, which will enable the creation of the main attitudes that lead to the effective accomplishment of functions related to entrepreneurial activities. The performance of these functions refers to character or personality traits: Adaptability, Analysis, Risk Taking, Imagination, Self-Control, Authority, Communication, Leadership, Self-Knowledge, Dynamism, Initiative, Methodology, Management, Negotiation Skills, Perseverance, etc. These entrepreneurial qualities make the entrepreneur person who has the courage to make his dreams come true, to use his full creative potential to innovate, to know how to manage risks, to design and implement a project that works to the needs of the market. However, how do you detect all this potential? With this in mind, we offer workshops, themed meetings and round tables, completions, testimonials with professionals, fun games business games, company outings, etc.
Review of 2018-2019 activities
Review of 2019-2020 activities