Research policy :
The need for the development of research in Algeria remains unavoidable to meet the new policy of growth and development of the country.
A new growth policy focused on the diversification of the national economy, allows it to free itself from rentier dependence.
The development of the knowledge-based economy in Algeria represents a major alternative for implementing this new national economic policy and for meeting the requirements of the market economy.
The Higher School of Commercial Studies (Executive Decree N°09-333 du 15 October 2009), is a campus of excellence in higher education it provides highly qualifying training for the benefit of different sectors of activity (Executive Decree Nº 16-176 of 9 Ramadhan 1437 corresponding to 14 June 2016 setting the standard status of the higher school).
The scientific, cultural, professional nature of the school calls it to participate in the development of national research, through participation in national projects, such as the NRP (National Research Program). As well as in the university projects (CNEPRU, PRFU) in accordance with the (law n° 08-05 of 23 February 2008 on the orientation law and projection program on scientific research and technological development).
The higher school of commercial studies is the home to two research laboratories (PERMANAN & MARKETIC) specialized in management sciences (Executive Decree Nº 19-231 of 12 Dhou El Hidja 1440 corresponding to 13 August 2019 setting the terms of creation, organization, and operation of research laboratories), which are domiciled at the headquarters of the school since 2011.
The two laboratories are shelters to several research teams working on different themes: entrepreneurship, information and communication technologies, corporate governance, international trade, finance, innovation, knowledge management, marketing research and mass distribution, the relationship between universities and the socio-economic environment, etc…
The existence of a field of research at the school, ensures the role of teacher-researchers (Executive Decree Nº 08 130 of 27 Rabie Ethani 1429 corresponding to 3 May 2008 on the special status of teacher-researchers). And doctoral students (Executive Decree Nº 10–231 of 23 Chaoual 1431 corresponding to 2 October 2010 on the status of doctoral students) for the benefit of scientific research and its regulation in Algeria.